Old location

Here we will show you some pictures of our old production facility in 83278 Traunstein, Kaltenbach 5. The weather has not always been good to us there.

The buildings were non-isolated wooden hangars with a total surface area of 550 sqm. In winter, it was the same temperature inside as it was outside.

We had to survive several high waters, often times rather poorly. And once we overcame those, we were facing negative surprises by the Traun/Mühlbach waters nearby. When in winter with several succeeding days of temperatures minus 20 degrees Centigrade and more, the ice blocks were wedged together and our production plant was flooded, and the water then froze on the premises and inside the hangars.

During this time, at several times, we exhausted all our physical reserves in order to be able to survive these days, and to get production back up and running and especially to keep it running.

But in the end, we managed it! And we also managed the successful construction of our new location in 83301 Traunreut/Hörpolding in 2012.

I would like to thank again the then very few employees, who have been through this time with me. Together we can enjoy the “luxury” of insulated heated warehouses today!